Friday, June 22, 2012

How long is a good time?

Oh, wow, if I had to tell you how long a good moment lasts, what would I tell you? This is the way we are working nowadays. A good time is as long as a moment lasts. Ten minutes? Ten minutes! Five? OK! I am learning to live in the moment, and am learning not to expect one hour. There will come a time, we still hope, when we will have a longer, possibly more predictable, time. When we will be able to predict with more regularity how long a trip we can have, or whether we will be able to sit through a play. At the present time, we are practicing the art of living in the moment. Winnie the Pooh knows about living in the moment. So does Toby the dog. How are you Myrta? Well. How is the pain? At the moment, it is six out of ten, and will hopefully go away. For a while. And we will keep on walking, together, to Santiago. With the pain, and the meds, and lots of good answers. And hope, always hope.

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